UK National Rally 2005 - Goodwood
Leaving for Harwich
Racing the Goodwood track
Lovely flowers...
The new one
Open up now...
Uk areas batteling it off on the track...
They start young.
Arundel's best restaurant!
Coffee first, and then...
Off to the rally!
They're absolutely everywhere!
Lot's of temptation for parts and bling bling.
drat... I never win anything...
Why did I have to take his picture again?
The sea of 5
Even after seeing all the others, I still do like mine best...
No mx5? at least it's a mazda?
"5 hill"
2nd hand parts... and off course they didn't sell that hardtop with this weather!
Mirror mirror... which one is the shiniest of them all..
The deaf leading the blind? maybe a nice addition for next year...
Oh lovely!
Didn't win anything... again...
Where are these guys coming from? Wales?
Raflle prizes are apparantly more interesting than the new 5...
Another great UK Rally! Thanx!